District Forms
Claim for Reimbursement
Clock Hour Form
Custodian Work Request
Deposit Report Form
Field Trip Request Forms
Complete the following form to notify transportation, food service and health office of field trip.
Field Trip/Bus Request Form
Complete the following fillable form when requesting an extended field trip. Download and email the Superintendent.
FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act)
If you wish to request FMLA:
- Submit a Request for FMLA Leave Form to the Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent. This form is fillable. Download, complete, Save, and Email to the Superintendent.
- The Superintendent will review the request for leave and provide you with a Notice of Eligibility and Rights and Responsibilities, as well as request a Certification of Health Care Provider:
- After Certifications are received the Superintendent will provide you with a Designation Notice approving or denying your request.
Fundraising Forms
The district should be aware of fundraising opportunities whether they are run through an NRHEG activity or an external organization, for example, booster clubs. The forms are fillable. Complete, save and download and email to the Superintendent.
Complete the following fundraising form if you are an NRHEG Organization:
Fundraising Internal Request Form--Fillable
If the fundraiser involves the sale of food or beverages during the school day, you will also need the following form:
Food and Beverage Form--Fillable
If you are an External Organization (i.e Booster Clubs), complete the following form:
Mileage and Meal Reimbursement
Payroll Related Forms
Direct Deposit Authorization Forms can be found by logging into SMARTeR.
Request for Payment Form
Sick Leave Donation Forms
If you wish to request a Sick and Safe Leave Donation:
- Employee requesting donation should submit a Request to Receive Donated Sick Leave Form to the Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent. This form is fillable. Download, complete, Save, and Email to the Superintendent.
- The Superintendent will give your request to the Medical Leave Sharing Bank committee for approval. A Determination Form will be completed and returned to the Employee and placed in your Employee file as well as provided to the Payroll Manager.
- If the donation request is approved, the Union representative will let their members know there is a request for donated sick leave. Names are not provided. If a member would like to donate leave, they will complete a Sick Leave Bank Donation form. Donated days are placed in a list to be distributed on a first-donated basis. Donors will receive an email when the donated days are transferred from their Sick Leave Bank to the Recipient.
Special Education Requistion Form
Staff Development Request Form
Staff Member Substitute Form
Master Agreement ARTICLE VI, Section 10:
Teacher Substitutions: Teachers who agree, at the request of the District, to substitute by assuming supervision for another teacher shall receive a sum of one-fifth (1/5) of current short-term substitute pay per fifty (50) minutes for all such substitutions.
To submit a payment request, please complete the Staff Substitute Request Form. Your submission will be sent to the administrator who requested your substitution for approval. Once approved, it will be submitted to Payroll for processing.
Student Activity Request for Payment